
Do we need a new Library? 

Newmarket Today tells its readers

“No candidate in this election has campaigned on a new library building.” 

This is incorrect.

In the Newmarket Today questionnaire sent out to all candidates I was asked:

Should opening a second branch of Newmarket Public Library be a top priority for the next term?

We were all restricted to a one word answer (!) 

This was my full answer which I sent to Newmarket Today and posted on my election website

Yes. But we need a new main Library. Our focus and our energies should be on replacing a Library that is too small to deliver services to our growing population. Eight years ago, the previous Chief Executive, Todd Kyle, spelt out the reasons why the Library was no longer fit for purpose. It’s too small. The building frequently leaks. We are way behind other comparable municipalities in terms of the financial support we give to our library.

Blame the pandemic

My opponent promised a new library in his 2018 election campaign (see right) but couldn’t get the support of his council colleagues during the “priority setting” meetings in early 2019. Vegh’s excuse for inaction (the pandemic) is just another of his inventions.

But, that said, getting a new Library is going to be a Herculean task. The Mayor doesn’t see a pressing need and, astonishingly, neither does the Library Board nor the Library’s new Chief Executive. 

For the moment, I am pretty much a lone voice.  

A New Building or Satellite Branches

The previous Chief Executive, Todd Kyle, (photo right), now head of libraries at Brampton, said the Park Avenue site was way too small. He posted this on the Library's website on 28 February 2018.

In 2018 he made his views clear:

“The last two terms of council haven’t put the library on the priority list. It would be nice to just have a space where people aren’t tripping over other people constantly.”

“The current location has restrictions on the land so we would have to build up to expand, which isn’t ideal. Our two options seem to be building a new facility or constructing satellite branches to increase our services to the public.”

So, to be clear, we need a new Library.

Gordon Prentice 6 October 2022

Read Heather Mallick on Toronto's libraries in yesterday's Toronto Star.