Former Southlake Board member and King landowner John Dunlap declared a conflict of interest at the Southlake Board meeting on 22 September 2022 before resigning from the Board. 

The closed session minutes of the Board meeting say the conflict:

related to the future site selection of the new build of a new hospital”.

Dunlap’s declaration was made one week after the developer Michael Rice bought the protected countryside lands in the Greenbelt at Bathurst hoping these could be developed. Dunlap was the land agent who facilitated the $80M sale. Dunlap owns 108 acres adjacent to the Bathurst lands.

Dunlap had told King Mayor, Steve Pellegrini, two years earlier that he was minded to gift land to Southlake for a new hospital.

Dunlap and Rice have both stated - each independently of the other - that they were prepared to gift land for a new hospital. 

We do not know the terms of any understanding they may have had.

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click "read more" for Board meeting extract.

Board of Directors closed session minutes, Thursday, September 22, 2022

  1. Declaration on conflicts.

Board members were asked if there were any perceived conflicts. With the agenda.

J. Dunlap and D. Bannister left the meeting.

  • The GAP elected members had a discussion prior to the Board on a potential/perceived conflict of  interest issue brought forward to P. Horgan, Chair of the Board, by J. Dunlap, Director of the Board,  related to the future site selection of the new build of a new hospital.
  • After discussion, a motion was put forth to accept J. Dunlap’s resignation from the Board.


It was moved by P. Horgan and SECONDED by D. Brouwer to accept the resignation of J. Dunlap from the Board of Directors effective September 22, 2022. CARRIED


J. Dunlap and D. Bannister rejoined the meeting.

  • A Land Acquisition Committee discussion ensued and a list will be put together of members and shared with GAP for information purposes only. It was discussed that the title be “Land Acquisition Ad Hoc Committee”.


8.3 Finance and Property Committee


  • Members agreed to the creation of a new sub-committee, which will have the task of reviewing land options for the new hospital site. D. Brouwer and J. Marshman will discuss off line and bring membership back for discussion at the next Finance & Property Committee meeting.



From Southlake’s Corporate By-law

8.5 Governance and People Committee of the Board.

The Governance and People Committee may exercise the full powers of the Board in all matters of administrative urgency arising in unusual circumstances, reporting every action at the next meeting of the Board. This Committee shall fix its quorum at not less than a majority of its members.